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How Zendesk Users Must Handle Consent for GDPR Compliance

Jul 31, 202403 minute read

How Zendesk Users Must Handle Consent for GDPR Compliance

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How Zendesk Users Must Handle Consent for GDPR Compliance

Learn How to Integrate Zendesk with Compliant Consent

As a website owner using platforms like WordPress, WooCommerce, Joomla, and Drupal in conjunction with Zendesk, it's essential to address consent and cookies to ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

This guide will help you achieve privacy compliance while using third-party platforms like Zendesk.

User Consent - Technicalities of Data Collection

User consent is more than a legal requirement; it is the foundation of ethical data collection practices. Regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and the ePrivacy Directive set high standards for collecting website visitor information. They emphasize strong data protection and require businesses to obtain explicit consent from users before collecting and processing their personal data.

Explicit Consent and Regulations

Explicit consent is a prerequisite before any third-party trackers or cookies can be activated, even for technical needs. This involves detailed disclosures about the nature of data sharing, the specific technical purposes of processing, and the identities of third-party entities involved. Article 5(3) of the ePrivacy Directive mandates explicit consent before storing or accessing information on a user's device, including cookies, tracking pixels, and beacons.

Risks to Your Business

Using third-party services like Zendesk without proper user consent can lead to major privacy risks for your business. These risks include unauthorized data collection, user profiling, and potential data breaches, which can result in severe legal and financial penalties. In 2023, GDPR fines reached about €2.1 billion, emphasizing the need for compliance.

Zendesk Integration

  • Third-Party Host: *.zendesk.com
  • Data Collected: Customer service interactions, chat logs, user data
  • Privacy Concern: Zendesk widgets can load user data tracking scripts without explicit consent, posing a compliance risk.

Key Issues Identified

  • Lack of Explicit Consent: Zendesk often loads tracking scripts without obtaining explicit user consent, violating GDPR and ePrivacy Directive requirements.
  • Insufficient Information: Users may not be adequately informed about the data collection and processing activities associated with Zendesk integration.
  • Third-Party Data Sharing: User data is frequently shared with third-party servers without sufficient transparency or user control.

Recommendations to Ensure Compliance

1. Implement a Consent Management Platform (CMP)

  • Use a first-party CMP like AesirX First-Party Foundation to present a clear consent banner before loading any Zendesk services.
  • Ensure the consent banner provides detailed information about the data being collected and its purpose.

2. Transparent Privacy Policy Updates

  • Update your privacy policy to include detailed descriptions of all third-party services, specifying data collection and processing activities.
  • Make the policy easily accessible and written in clear, non-technical language.

3. Delay Loading Zendesk Scripts

  • Implement mechanisms to delay loading Zendesk scripts until after user consent is obtained.
  • Consider lazy-loading techniques so that scripts are only loaded upon user interaction or explicit consent.

4. Use Privacy-Friendly Alternatives

  • Evaluate first-party solutions or alternative platforms with better privacy practices.

To see AesirX First-Party Foundation in WordPress, you can watch the 10-minute walkthrough on YouTube

Handling Consent Is Easy

Enabling compliance involves implementing effective consent mechanisms, updating privacy policies for transparency, and exploring privacy-friendly alternatives. These measures help reduce legal risks, enhance user trust, and align your website's practices with regulatory requirements.

Check if your use of Zendesk or any third-party software is compliant and trustworthy. If you are in doubt about your own site or e-commerce solution, you can scan your website with AesirX’s Free Privacy Scanner and get a detailed compliance report.

Want to integrate Zendesk with your WordPress site while ensuring compliant consent?
Read our step-by-step guide here

Ronni K. Gothard Christiansen // VikingTechGuy

Creator, AesirX.io

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About the AesirX Privacy Scanner:

The AesirX Privacy Scanner is a powerful tool for websites to comply with the stringent requirements of the ePrivacy Directive and GDPR. Using the EU's EDPS (European Data Protection Supervisor) Inspection Tool, AesirX Privacy Scanner thoroughly scans websites to identify non-compliant elements, including cookies, trackers, and beacons. 

AesirX also offers a free Privacy Advisor AI Assistant that helps to explain the scanned results from the EDPS Inspection Tool and offers concrete recommendations on what is needed to resolve compliance issues found in your scan result.

By utilizing these tools, your businesses can receive detailed reports and actionable insights to rectify compliance issues and avoid potential fines.

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