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Free Website Privacy Check: Ensure Your Site's Compliant Now!

AesirX Services: AesirX Privacy Advisor AI


Why Choose AesirX Privacy Advisor AI?

Quickly identify privacy issues and enhance your site's standards for free. Our AI simplifies complex regulations into easy steps, making compliance straightforward and stress-free.

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Free Privacy Scan

Initiate a thorough GDPR compliance scan at no cost.

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Instant Insights

Receive a comprehensive privacy report in seconds.

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Expert Guidance

Our AI provides step-by-step advice tailored to your site.

What AesirX Privacy Advisor Does

Thorough Privacy Risk Analysis

Analyze first-party and third-party hosts to understand and mitigate your risk score.

Evaluate Key Privacy and Compliance Risks

Data Collection and Tracking: See how your site handles user data. Consent Management: Ensure your methods comply with GDPR.

Clear Risk Justifications

Understand each identified risk with clear explanations and actionable insights.

What AesirX Privacy  Advisor Does

Enhanced with GPT 4o Technology

Engage with our AI-powered advisor to clarify privacy concerns, explore detailed explanations, and receive tailored recommendations for your website's privacy needs.

Accurate Insights – Improved algorithms for precise privacy advice, reduce the risk of non-compliance and implement effective data protection measures.

Accurate Insights – Improved algorithms for precise privacy advice, reduce the risk of non-compliance and implement effective data protection measures.

Learn More
Enhanced with GPT 4o Technology

How It Works

Three Simple Steps to Compliance

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Scan Your Site

Enter your URL at
https://privacyscanner.aesirx.io for a free GDPR compliance scan.

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Review Results

Get a detailed report on your website's data handling practices and risk rating.

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Consult Our AI

Use AesirX Privacy Advisor AI to interpret your scan results and receive personalized recommendations.

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AesirX Privacy Advisor AI was the only tool that could meet help us reaching GDPR compliance goals. The insights were clear and actionable, making compliance easy to manage.


Test if your website complies with GDPR

Enhance your data privacy practices today. Start with a free scan and let AesirX Privacy Advisor AI guide you through the process.

Get Your Questions Answered

AesirX Privacy Advisor AI is an intelligent assistant designed to help you navigate GDPR compliance. By scanning your website for free, our Privacy Scanner generates a comprehensive report detailing your data handling practices. The AI then provides personalized, actionable advice to ensure your site meets GDPR standards, simplifying the entire compliance process.

Thanks to the integration of GPT 4o technology, AesirX Privacy Advisor AI can analyze your website and generate detailed answers to your queries in around 10 seconds. This rapid response time allows you to quickly review your site's compliance status and take necessary actions.

Yes, AesirX Privacy Scanner offers a free website scan and report. You can also consult Privacy Advisor AI for personalized insights and recommendations at no cost. Our goal is to make GDPR compliance accessible to everyone, regardless of budget.

Absolutely. While AesirX Privacy Advisor AI is primarily focused on GDPR, it also provides guidance for compliance with other privacy regulations such as ePrivacy and CCPA. The AI offers recommendations tailored to various legal frameworks, helping you ensure comprehensive data privacy.

AesirX Privacy Advisor AI uses advanced GPT 4o technology to deliver highly accurate and reliable recommendations. While the AI is continually improving, it is designed to provide precise and practical advice based on the latest privacy laws and best practices. However, as with any tool, it’s recommended to verify critical decisions with a legal professional.