DPO Radio

Free Website Privacy Check: Ensure Your Site's Compliant Now!

Consent and Analytics Platform for Privacy Compliance

The Competitive Landscape

Decentralized Data Model
Cookieless TrackingPossible
First-Party DataPossiblePossible
First-Party Consent
First-Party Leads (Coming Soon)
Cross-Site Marketing
Compliance (GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA)SeamlessPossiblePossiblePossiblePossible
Consent Requirement (ePD 5.3)SeamlessPossible
Dark Pattern ComplianceSeamless---


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Core Privacy & Security Solutions from AesirX

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Gain insights with our privacy-focused GA Analytics alternative – no data misuse.

Get legally compliant analytics
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Single Sign On (SSO)

Simplify your login processes, enhancing both security & user experience.

Stop data breaches
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Shield of Privacy

Protect user data with our innovative identity management privacy shield.

Get complete user privacy
AesirX Suites

AesirX Suites

Discover comprehensive suites for ethical data management,
ensuring seamless compliance and consent requirements in all your marketing strategies.

AesirX First-Party Foundation

AesirX First-Party Foundation

Boost your digital success with privacy-first analytics & marketing tools.

Achieve Seamless Compliance
AesirX Business Suite

AesirX Business Suite

Transform operational excellence with a cohesive platform for a unified staff experience.

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Adjusting to New Analytics & Marketing Shifts

These aren't hypotheticals – they're urgent changes demanding action now. Adapt to stay competitive and protect your business's future.

Enhancing Privacy & Compliance in the Digital Age with AesirX’s unified Consent + Analytics platform model.

Learn more
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Retargeting Challenges

Stricter cookie rules and the ePrivacy Directive 5(3) mandate explicit user consent, reducing e-commerce retargeting and potentially missing your key audience.

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Consent Demands

Inadequate legal consent for data collection and processing now leads to fines.

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Changing Market Trends

Consumers value privacy more than ever; failing to adapt quickly could put you behind competitors.

Why use AesirX ?

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Enhance customer experiences amid regulatory, cookie, & market shifts.

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Easy to install

1-click installation with WordPress + Joomla plugins plus full integration.

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Boost marketing

Get 100% of your marketing data with valuable first-party insights.

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Personalize content without breaking GDPR & ePrivacy Directive laws.

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GA4 alternative

Replace Google Analytics with a legal & compliant alternative.

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Save money

Cost-effective Freemium & Open Source strategy.