Step 1
You need to launch a new EC2 instance, by looking into the Community AMIs for "AesirX BI" and selecting one of the available images - they will vary in the app version and platform (x86 / arm64)
Step 2
When choosing the Instance Type, a t3.small or t4g.small instance is enough (2vCPU / 2Gb)
Step 3
Under Name and tags click under Additional tags, then add 2 tags, one for the REACT_APP_CLIENT_SECRET and one for the REACT_APP_LICENSE using the values that were received under My Account in
Step 4
Under "Advanced Details" set Allow tags in metadata to Enabled
Step 5
Under "Advanced Details" and under User Data write:
#!/usr/bin/bash bisetup
Step 6
When the instance is launched, look for the public IPv4 address, or alternatively you can add an elastic IP address (recommended to fix the IP address)