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How to Set Up Consent Requirements on Your WordPress Site

Set Up Consent for Your WordPress Site

How to Set Up Consent Requirements on Your WordPress Site

Protecting user privacy and complying with data protection regulations like GDPR and the ePrivacy Directive is essential for every website. For WordPress site managers, this means handling user consent for data collection effectively.

If you're running a WordPress site that collects user data, you need a comprehensive solution to ensure compliance with these regulations. AesirX Analytics & Consent Management Platform (CMP) offers a powerful way to achieve this. 

With AesirX, you can seamlessly integrate consent management into your WordPress site, ensuring you meet legal requirements while delivering a transparent and user-friendly experience. Follow these steps to set up consent requirements and manage user data responsibly:  

Step 1: Install the AesirX Analytics Plugin

  • In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Plugins > Add New Plugin.
  • Search for “AesirX Analytics.
  • Click “Install Now” and then “Activate” the plugin.

Step 2: Create an AesirX Account and Obtain an Analytics License

  • Go to the AesirX Sign-Up Page and register for an account.
  • Choose “First-Party Analytics” and complete the registration.

Step 3: Configure AesirX Analytics

  • Go to Settings > AesirX Analytics in your WordPress dashboard.
    • Server Setup: Choose between internal or external servers.
    • Consent Options: Ensure that user consent is required before any data collection occurs.
    • Solution Key: Paste your solution key from the AesirX Sign-Up Page.
  • Click Save to apply changes.

Step 4: Set Up Consent Templates

AesirX offers two consent templates to comply with Google Consent Mode V2, which is crucial for maintaining eligibility for Google Adwords after May 1st, 2024.

  • Simple Consent Mode (Supports Google Basic Consent Mode V2)
    • How It Works: No data is collected until users interact with the consent banner. If users deny consent, no data is collected. Ideal for strict GDPR compliance.
    • When to Use: Use this for sites requiring explicit user consent before any data collection begins.
  • Default Template (Supports Google Advanced Consent Mode V2)
    • How It Works: Tags load immediately upon site access. If consent is denied, minimal, non-identifiable data (cookieless pings) is sent to Google/AesirX.
    • When to Use: Use this to balance privacy with the need for some level of data collection.
  • Steps to Set Up:
    • Go to AesirX BI in your WordPress Dashboard.
    • Click on Consent > Consent Templates.
    • Input your Google Tag ID and Google Tag Manager ID. (Optional)
    • Choose either the Simple Consent Mode or Default Template.
    • Customize consent text.
    • Click Save.


Step 5: Implement Site Consent and Optional Opt-In Consent

To comply with GDPR and ePrivacy regulations, it’s essential to manage user consent effectively. This involves two main strategies: site-wide consent and opt-in consent for specific functionalities. 

AesirX facilitates these approaches by using deferred loading to ensure that third-party widgets, scripts, or services are activated only after users provide their consent. This method enhances privacy and improves site performance by delaying the activation of these services until needed.

1. Implement Site-Wide Consent

Site-wide consent involves obtaining general consent from users before any data collection or third-party services are activated on your site. This approach ensures compliance with data protection laws across all aspects of your site’s data collection practices.

How to Implement Site-Wide Consent:

  • Automatic Loading: Site-wide consent will automatically be integrated once you finish configuring AesirX Analytics & CMP. The system will prompt users to provide their consent before any data collection or third-party services are loaded.
  • Customizing Consent Text: You can customize the general consent text to clearly explain the purpose of data collection and how user data will be used. This text should be informative and straightforward, ensuring that users understand what they are consenting to. 

Guide to Change Consent Text:

  • Go to AesirX BI in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Navigate to Consent > Consent Templates.
  • Find the field for customizing the consent text.
  • Update the text to explain the types of data collected, the purposes of collection, and how data will be used.
  • Save your changes.

Example Text: 

“We use AesirX Analytics and Consent Management Platform (CMP) to manage your data preferences. You can choose to:

  • Reject: No data will be collected.
  • Consent: Allow data collection to improve site performance and user experience.
  • Decentralized Consent: Retain control over your personal data and revoke consent anytime.

Your data won’t be shared with third parties without your permission. You can update your preferences anytime. For more details, see our Privacy Policy.” 

Note: If you use third-party services such as Mailchimp, HubSpot, Trustpilot, Zendesk, etc., on your site, please ensure that these services include consent mechanisms to comply with data protection regulations. For additional guidance on integrating third-party services with compliant consent using AesirX Analytics & CMP, please refer to our How-To Guides.

Handling Consent Rejection:

If a user rejects consent, explain the limitations and suggest using decentralized methods for better control. Currently, you can't customize the site-wide rejection message.

To manage rejections effectively, switch to opt-in consent. This allows you to handle rejections on a case-by-case basis. Follow the instructions in the opt-in consent setup guide.

Revoking Consent:

AesirX supports decentralized consent management via a wallet and Shield of Privacy (SoP). Users can revoke consent directly on the site or through the AesirX dApp. This process ensures that data collection stops immediately and gives users full control over their data, enhancing compliance and trust. 


2. Implement Optional Opt-In Consent for Specific Functionalities

Opt-In Consent allows users to give explicit consent for specific third-party functionalities, such as payment processing, rather than a blanket consent for the entire site. This approach supports data minimization and offers several benefits:

  • Data Minimization: By only activating services users explicitly consent to, you limit the amount of data collected, adhering to the principle of data minimization.
  • Reduced Data Sharing: Opt-in consent reduces the amount of data shared with third parties, as only the services users have approved will be activated.
  • Lower Risk: Minimizing data collection and sharing lowers the risk of data breaches and non-compliance with GDPR and ePrivacy regulations.
  • Enhanced Privacy: Users have greater control over their data and can make informed decisions about which functionalities they wish to enable, enhancing their trust in your site.

How to Implement Opt-In Consent:

  • Flexible Consent Model: AesirX’s flexible consent model enables users to opt-in to specific features, allowing for compliance with GDPR and ePrivacy regulations by giving users control over their data.
  • Detailed Customization: Customize consent texts to provide specific information about the functionalities users are consenting to.

Guide to Setting Up Opt-In Consent:

Opt-in consent ensures that users explicitly agree to activate specific features or services before any data collection or processing takes place. This method is particularly important for payment processors and other specific functionalities such as CRM systems and AI chatbots. It clarifies how user data will be handled and provides transparency regarding the purpose and benefits of data collection.

  • For payment processors, opt-in consent is important because it:
    • Informs Users: Clearly communicates to users that their financial information will be processed securely.
    • Ensures Transparency: Details how and why their data will be used, helping users understand the purpose of the data collection.
    • Enhances Trust: By obtaining explicit consent, users feel more secure knowing that their data is handled responsibly and only for the intended transaction.
  • Customize your consent mechanism to ensure that functionalities like payment processing are activated only after users have explicitly opted in. This not only meets regulatory requirements but also reassures users about their data privacy.
  • Example JavaScript for Opt-In Consent: (Use Site Consent and Opt-In Consent in Combination) 
copy icon
    window.optInConsentData = `[
        title: "payment",
        content: "<div>YOUR_CONTENT_INPUT_HERE</div>",
  • Optional Configuration: Replace Site Consent with Opt-in Consent
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    window.optInConsentData = `[
        title: "payment",
        content: "<div>YOUR_CONTENT_INPUT_HERE</div>",
        replaceAnalyticsConsent: "true",
  • Handle Reject Consent:
    • If a user rejects consent, display a message indicating that consent is required for the functionality to work.
    • Example:
      • Wide-site consent:
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window.funcAfterReject = async function () {
  // Show a message or label indicating that consent is required
    "Consent is required for this functionality to work. We use this third-party service for [specific purpose], and it cannot operate without your consent"
      • Opt-in Consent:
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window.funcAfterRejectOptIn = async function () {
        "Consent is required for this functionality to work. We use this third-party service for customer support, and it cannot operate without your consent."
  • Notify Users About Consent Status:
    • Inform users if they have rejected consent and how it affects their experience on the site.
    • Example Notification:
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document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
  if (sessionStorage.getItem("aesirx-analytics-consent") !== "true") {
      "Consent is required for payment processing through [Payment Processor Name]. We cannot complete transactions without your consent. Please adjust your preferences to continue using our payment services with [Payment Processor Name]"
  • Customize Consent Messages:
    • Edit your consent forms to include clear information about the use of these third-party widgets and the purpose of data collection. 
    • Example Alert Text: “We use a payment processor to handle transactions. To process your payment, we need to track and collect data related to your order. This includes sharing relevant information with the payment processor. If you do not consent to this data sharing, you will not be able to complete your purchase. For more details, please refer to our Privacy Policy.”

Tip: You can use opt-in consent either on its own or together with a site-wide consent banner. For the best outcome, consider using a simple site-wide consent banner for general data collection, while reserving opt-in consent for specific third-party features. This strategy reduces unnecessary data collection and enhances user trust by allowing them to make informed choices.

Learn More

For detailed instructions and troubleshooting tips, visit AesirX Analytics WordPress Documentation.

By following these steps, you'll effectively set up consent requirements on your WordPress site using AesirX Analytics & CMP, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.

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