Decentralized consent is a term that's gaining significant attention in the world of data privacy and security. But what does it mean, and how does it work? In this blog post, we'll delve into the technical aspects of decentralized consent, focusing on how AesirX utilizes this concept to ensure user privacy and data ownership.
Understanding Decentralized Consent
Decentralized consent is a model where users have complete control over their data. They can grant or revoke their consent for data collection and processing at any time. This model aligns with the principles of data minimization and purpose limitation, key tenets of privacy regulations.
AesirX Analytics is a cutting-edge solution that embodies the principles of decentralized consent. It offers four different tiers of consent, designed to cater to everyone from users who prefer a short, 30-minute session-based consent, to those who are ready to fully embrace the decentralized model using Wallets and AesirX Shield of Privacy.
Session-Based Consent
Users agree to have their data collected for the duration of a single 30-minute session. This is ideal for users who prefer not to have their data stored beyond their current visit.
AesirX Shield of Privacy Consent
Users utilize their AesirX Shield of Privacy to give consent for their data to be collected across multiple sessions. This is designed for users who want a more personalized experience but are not yet ready to fully embrace the decentralized model.
Wallet-Based Decentralized Consent
Users utilize their Web3 wallets to give decentralized consent. This enables users to have greater control over their data, as they can grant or revoke consent at any time.
Combined Wallet and AesirX Shield of Privacy Consent
Users use both their Web3 wallet and AesirX Shield of Privacy to give explicit consent for data collection and processing. This level of consent can replace traditional marketing tools like newsletters, retargeting, and prediction.
How AesirX Utilizes Decentralized Consent
AesirX's approach to decentralized consent is unique and innovative. It combines the use of a signing request in the user's wallet with on-chain activation of consent by the company or organization that wishes to utilize it. Here's how it works:
Signing Request
When a user visits a site running on the AesirX Business Suite, a signing request is sent to the user's wallet. This request asks the user to grant consent for their data to be collected and processed. The signing request is a secure and transparent way of obtaining user consent, as it requires the user to actively grant consent using their wallet.
On-Chain Activation
Once the user grants consent, the company or organization activates the consent on-chain. This means that the consent is recorded on the blockchain, providing a transparent and immutable record of the user's consent. The on-chain activation ensures that the consent is not only granted freely by the user but also acknowledged and recorded by the company.
Ownership of Consent and Data
Because the consent is decentralized and recorded on the blockchain, the user retains ownership of their consent and, by extension, their data. If the user revokes their consent, the owner of the site will know it immediately, as the revocation is also recorded on the blockchain. Without valid consent, the site owner can no longer collect or process the user's data.
Automatic Data Removal
If a site is running on the AesirX Business Suite and a user revokes their consent, any data associated with that consent is automatically removed. This ensures that the user's data is not only protected but also completely removed from the site's records when they choose to revoke their consent.
AesirX's approach to decentralized consent provides a robust and secure model for data privacy and ownership. By utilizing the power of blockchain technology, AesirX ensures that users have complete control over their consent and data, providing a level of transparency and security that is unmatched in the industry. As businesses and organizations navigate the complex landscape of data privacy regulations, AesirX's decentralized consent model offers a viable and innovative solution.
Ready to embrace the future of data privacy and ownership with AesirX?
Visit to experience the power of decentralized consent.