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AesirX First-Party Server Installation Guide

What is This?

AesirX First-Party Server is your own server for storing analytics data from your websites, powered by AesirX Analytics.

Technically, you will need Docker Compose to run the AesirX First-Party Server Docker image, which stores your website analytics data in a MongoDB server (included in the Docker Compose file). 

Technical Requirements:

Optional Technical Requirements:

You can specify your own MongoDB server for storing analytics. MongoDB 6.x is required.

Instructions for Setting Up:

1. Pull the Source Code

git clone https://github.com/aesirxio/analytics-1stparty.git

2. Clone and Customize the aesirx-1stparty.env File

  • Clone the aesirx-1stparty.env.dist file into aesirx-1stparty.env and customize it as needed:

cp aesirx-1stparty.env.dist aesirx-1stparty.env

  • Customization options:
  • If you have a separate MongoDB server, specify the credentials using these variables:
    • DBUSER
    • DBPASS
    • DBHOST
    • DBPORT
    • DBNAME
  • You can also change the HTTP_PORT variable (default is 80). Note that this is the port inside the container, and it is generally recommended not to change it.
  • Add your Shield of Privacy (SoP) ID after the variable WHITELIST_WEB3ID=@your_sop_id.

3. Clone and Customize the .env File

  • Clone the .env.dist file into .env and customize:

cp .env.dist .env

  • You can customize your ports:
    • HTTP_PORT: published port of the server. If you want your server to listen to a different port, this is the configuration that you need to change.
    • MONGO_PORT: published port for MongoDB
  • You can customize your DB settings (they need to be the same as in the aesirx-1stparty.env file).

4. Run the Setup

  • After configuring the files, execute the following command to run the setup, including the MongoDB server:

docker-compose up -d

This will start the server in detached mode, and your AesirX First-Party Server will be ready to store analytics data.

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