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How to Tag Events in AesirX Analytics

Tag Events in AesirX Analytics

How to Tag Events in AesirX Analytics

Ensuring compliance with GDPR and the ePrivacy Directive, along with managing user consent, is essential for your website. Follow these steps to set up consent requirements using AesirX Analytics:

1. Create an AesirX Account and Obtain an AesirX Analytics License:

  • Visit the AesirX Sign-Up Page to create an account.
  • Fill in the required information, select "First-Party Analytics," and complete the registration process.
  • Upon registration confirmation, receive your license ID via email, which is essential for configuring AesirX Analytics.


2. Download, Install and Configure AesirX Analytics Plugins:

Depending on your website setup:

  • For websites using custom development:

Follow the integration instructions provided by AesirX to embed the analytics code into your website's HTML.

  • For platforms like WordPress or other CMS:

Install the AesirX Analytics plugin/module available for your platform by downloading it from GitHub

Activate the plugin/module and configure settings such as server setup, user consent options, and data collection preferences. 

3. Generate Event Tags:

  • Navigate to AesirX BI in the dashboard.
  • Go to Behavior > Event > Generator Event.


4. Fill Out the Event Form:

When you reach the event tagging form, specify the details for the event you want to track:

  • Event Name: Describe the event or interaction you want to track (e.g., "Scroll Beyond Viewport").
  • Event Type: Specify the type of event (e.g., scroll, hover, click, form submission, conversion).
  • Button Name: Specify the name or identifier of the button associated with the event.
  • Attribute Name A / Attribute Value A: Provide additional attributes or parameters to capture specific details about the event.
  • Attribute Name B / Attribute Value B: Further specify attributes or parameters as needed.


5. Examples of Events to Track:

Based on your website's user interface and goals, consider examples such as:

  • Scroll Events: Track when users scroll beyond the viewport, reach the bottom of the page, or scroll more than a certain percentage of the content length.
  • Hover Events: Monitor interactions when users hover over images, buttons, or other elements.
  • Click Events: Track clicks on images, buttons, or specific elements.
  • Form Events: Capture interactions like form starts, submissions, or abandonment.
  • Conversion Events: Identify actions that lead to conversions on your website, such as completing a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.

6. Generate and Embed Event Tags:

Choose the appropriate generator type (HTML button tag, HTML a tag, or Event/JS Script) based on how you plan to implement the event tracking on your website. This choice depends on your technical setup and the complexity of the event you're tracking.

  • HTML button tag / HTML a tag: Embed this code directly into your site's HTML.
    • Add in Theme File Editor:


    • Add in Widgets -> Custom HTML:


  • Event (JS Script): Embed JavaScript to track more complex events.
    • Add in Theme File Editor (inside

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